Thursday 24 January 2008

The quest to acheive nothingness

It is that time when we have to think seriously about our group project and collect our ideas. Me and Lucy (or m00se and Iceman, whichever you prefer) Have started our collective blog entitled 'People will read anything', and can be found here: and has been added to my links.

The title 'People will read anything' we thought best gave an insight into our intentions for this project. When thinking about the society in which we are creating this project, we decided to look deep at into the idea of a performative society, what the effect is of performing being so easily staged, and what constitutes a worthwhile performance.

Performances are all around us, on television, in the cinema's, in art, on the internet, and of course in theatres. We think it is interesting that in a society where we all perform on a daily basis, that we have become obsessed with essentially consuming nothing in terms of the media in which we seek. Youtube is full of nonsensicle videos gaining hits, and prime time television is stacked full of reality tv shows where we can sit for an hour and watch people simply trying to live their lives.

In this project we aim to delve into a deeper understanding of this. What do we intend to achieve I hear you ask.. (I'm part psychic on my mothers side) Well.. We intend to acheive nothing. Literal Nothing.

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