Friday 25 January 2008

Direction, Perfection, per... plec...tion. ?

Well my attempt at a play on Location, Location, Location as an indication that we have started our filming, was apparently rubbish.. ation.

The point is though, we have. Finally we have settled upon the idea that we want, and without giving too much away (even though this will not be posted until after the project has been performed) I can confirm that we are officially doing Anything. Even more so than I thought before.

The ideas have gone well and we think what we have settled on, goes at least some way to being a good representation of all our ideas in just one short production. We have the slight stumbling block of it being my cousins 21st birthday in 3 days which will delay some of the filming slightly, but all should be within the required time slot.

That is a weight off my mind. Just deciding 100% what we are going to is really going help the head hit the pillow from now on.

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