Friday 25 January 2008

Th.. Tha... Th... Thats all folks!

Our filming went smoothly, we managed to get everything done, and after a very long and food deprived editing session, our creation is finished! Admittedly we probably enjoy the title screen a little bit too much and ould dance around to its music, and laugh far too much at our own jokes and persona's but all in all we are very happy with it (I KNOW I AM!!)

I will update this entry with all the details of how the screening went, aswell as my overall thoughts and feelings.

Update: Well it all went well. Anything TV officially hit the air, unfortunately due to my illness meaning we screened our production one week later than most, there was very little in the way of audience. All that were there seemed to enjoy it, special mention goes to Dan Leigh for turning up slightly late, but just in time when he wasn't even performing, in truth he could have even been on our credit roll too so extra special mention there.

Lucy has been wonderful and has added the video to youtube in two parts which can be found here:

Part 1
Part 2

So it is readily available to anyone else who wishes to veiw it. Please do, we did work pretty hard on it, although clearly we did have fun with it too.

I would finally like to say that I have thouroughly enjoyed the module that this blog was created for as a whole, it really has made me think alot more about the virtual side to performance, as well as providing me with endless amounts of links and web spaces to be looking at in my spare time. It genuinly has been great fun, not only creating the project, but also writing on these blogs! As you may or may not know, this exact blog was my first ever, and the writing style of it all really has been good fun for me. I will probably go on to create my own blog, probably full of rants, for the world wide web to enjoy. Tearfully though (not really I am a real man and I never cry) I will be biding farewell this particular blog. We've shared some good times, rants, and links together, but I feel that it should be concluded with the conclusion of the project. When I do get round to setting up another, I will post the link on this blog.

This blog is now to be handed in alongside m00se and IcemanLeigh presenting Anything TV, and the group blog. So I am off now to publish all of my draft saved posts after checking them through. One final reflection on this blog, was this idea to keep all of my entries as drafts and to only publish them at the same time on a single date. With further blogs I will definitely not be doing this. Blogs have really struck me as things that should be updated every week with new information to be read and followed, almost like a series. I still do stick by however, the decision to keep all entries as drafts on this particular blog though. As this blog was to be handed in for final assesment, I feel that keeping all posts to myself meant I could change any entries without the risk of people thinking that they had already read them, and missing the edited part.

This is my final curtain call then. Hopefully, if all entries were read in the correct order, from first to last, this will be the last you read of this blog. Anything TV will continue to exist on Youtube, and this blog will continue to be accesible to anyone on the web. Who knows who may take a shine to it. That idea is something that I really do enjoy. Trying to resist the temptation to burst into a rendition of 'My way' I will give one final goodbye.



Direction, Perfection, per... plec...tion. ?

Well my attempt at a play on Location, Location, Location as an indication that we have started our filming, was apparently rubbish.. ation.

The point is though, we have. Finally we have settled upon the idea that we want, and without giving too much away (even though this will not be posted until after the project has been performed) I can confirm that we are officially doing Anything. Even more so than I thought before.

The ideas have gone well and we think what we have settled on, goes at least some way to being a good representation of all our ideas in just one short production. We have the slight stumbling block of it being my cousins 21st birthday in 3 days which will delay some of the filming slightly, but all should be within the required time slot.

That is a weight off my mind. Just deciding 100% what we are going to is really going help the head hit the pillow from now on.

Doing nothing was a problem, but doing anything makes you ill.

I can conclusively tell you that when trying to do anything, I get ill.

It has been slow progress as of recent on our group project. We finally came up with the idea to do a parody on anything, and I go and get ill. It is pure cold fact then, that doing nothing is better for you than doing anything. ;) Especially at christmas time.

Every cloud and all that though, whilst I am ill and unable to continue the group project work, I am able to sit here on my lazy ass and go over my saved blog drafts and update them. My idiotic plan to save all my entries as drafts and not post them, may have paid off, even if it will mean a sudden boom of entries onto my blog.. Not sure I have made the right decision now, but I'm being stubborn and sticking to it. All previous entries have been today read over and edit to my liking.

I am now able to continue doing nothing. Not nothing in terms of my group project.. that has been changed to anything, but nothing as an antidote to doing anything (in the context of the group project) since it was clearly that, that made me ill. So as soon as I have finished this draft, I shall not do anything.. wait, I will do nothing, but not anything either.

This nothing anything nonsense is even starting to confuse me now.

Of course! Not nothing! Anything!

Okay, so the real problem that we have ben having, is not that we dont have any ideas, but instead that we feel we like our overall idea so much that we are having trouble finding the best way to present that. We are certain that we could be on to a winner of a performance if we can just settle on what we feel will really show off our ideas best.

It is now that we have finally decided where we think we would like to go with this. At this time I can officialy tell you that we are no longer doing nothing, but instead doing... anything!

Sound interesting? Possibly even just confusing? Well.. admittedly, you would be wrong. What is the difference between nothing, and anything?

We had the idea from the start. The blog is even entitled 'people will read anything' but we still found ourselves going down the route of people watching nothing, when actually, this is simply included in the fact that people watch anything, including, alot of the time, nothing.

Confused? (not .com) Hopefully all shall be revealed in the coming few days.

The problem with doing Nothing is..

You never know when you've finished!

With my clever entry titles back in force with a humdinger! I thought I would once again update on where we are;

We are at the stage now when we really need to decide upon a final and conclusive way to present our ideas as a whole. We are having no problems thinking of yet new ways of possibly adding to the performance, but apparently being decisive is not our fortay. Our ideas have ranged from many things including;
  • Paper cups blowing around in the wind. A play upon the idea of watching 'rubbish'
  • A film consisting of nothing but Mugs. Creating the suggestion that you are a mug for watching such a thing
  • A whole new gameshow based on complete random chance. Heads or Tails. An obvious play upon gameshows such as deal or no deal
  • An entire film about a day where nothing happens. There is no news, no goings on, no gossip, and certainly no conclusion.
  • Real life big brother. A play on the idea that big brother seems like non real life even though it is simply people living their lives. We have considered filming our housemates without them knowing.
  • An art installation consisting of nothing but a blank television
We must admit that we do like alot of these ideas, and I can even tell you that these are only a few of what we have been thinking of. We really are struggling to do nothing! Alot of these ideas have drawbacks though. Whilst we feel it would be great to do something like an art installation, or even a 15 minute film on just rubbish in the wind. We feel that for this project we would like to find something that does bear some watchability for our final performance. The opposite goes for the idea of the film of a nothing day. The idea itself is great, and it really could have great watchability, but actually, it probably goes too close to being an actual film where things actually happen, and people would consider it to be too worthwhile a performance.

Some deep discussion must follow this, and hopefully simply being able to write it all down will be a good building block from which to take a leap of faith off.

Inspirations and Background.

As you have probably already commented on, I seem to have run dry of clever entry titles. Who knows, by the end of writing this I may have managed to come up with something so clever and witty that the post will be irrelevant.

Onto the point. We have been making a real attempt to not only come up with ideas for 'people will watch/read/buy anything' but also looking into other practitioners, groups, or artists who have attempted a simalar view. It would appear that we are not alone in the questioning of what people view as entertainment. Two people who we really feel will go a long way into our inspirations are Guy Debord, and John Cage. We currently have an entry posted about Reality tv, which goes on to talk about John Cage. Cage really is someone who we feel to be very relevant to our research, he beleived that life itself is art, and that all it needs around it is a simple frame. This is something that we feel we would like to at least touch upon with our project. Obviously this does complicate the whole ideas process, as instead of narrowing down what we are doing, we just seem to be adding to it.

Guy Debord unfortunately offers us no answers either. We are just as interested in his work, meaning we have a real mishmash of ideas and inspirations to work with here. Debord's most relevant theory to our project specifically is his idea of creating films in which nothing happens. This, although very difficult to research and find out about, is something that we really want to play with in our production. It has definitely fueled our discussions on the project at the very least anyway.

Now we just have the simple task of figuring out how to present a minimilistic-Cage-Debord-reality tv driven-performative society inspired, piece about Nothing..
Fun times.

Just a quickie

Since my last post I have been checking up on the other groups group blogs. The Fifi and Gwynnie (excuse possible spelling mistakes) blog particular caught my interest. The two of them are both slightly new to the whole internet scene in terms of a global phenomenom (do do do do do), and their take on the whole thing is something I will be keeping up to date with. Their blog is located here and I have this week posted on their blog entry about video games. Apparently my name is appearing as 'about us' but there is only currently one entry anyway.

Clan vid is another that I will be shaping my own interest toward. At this moment in time I can truely admit that I have absolutely no idea what their take on the project is, or even what they as a group believe.. but they have caught my eye and I am sure they will reveal all soon.

On the subject of us though, our ideas are shaping up, and we seem to be gaining support for them. The only problem we currently forsee is deciding upon how we want to portray those ideas in a final performance. We have plenty of time though so the ideas are very promising at the moment.

To blog or not to blog

I'm starting to feel that I am negleting this blog whilst Lucy and I work on our group project. I have to decided to keep this blog slightly up to date I will continue to write passages for it every now ang again, but save them as draft and keep them until the end so I can add any useful information that may surface when working on the project as a whole. This means that this blog will probably be quiet for a while and all updates will be posted on the project blog. Thinking about it, in fact this update will mean nothing until it is published, and since I have two drafts lined up and waiting to be published before this, it will probably not be read until the last week anyway. Thats some back to the future nonsense right there!

So anyway, the group blog is shaping up nicely as of now. Lucy has added some video blogs to outline our thoughts and aims for the project, and we have both written a little bit to keep it all updated. One bit of a rant this week, my webcam has decided that it would be extremely funny to not work right now and so I have ben unable to add video blogs of my own. I will possibly have to do a joint one with Lucy at some point to get my face on the blog more.

Anyway, from the radio silence on this blog I am sure that it has already been noted that I have been putting more attention in elsewhere. I hope your blogging appetite has been well and truely stuffed by our group blog. Chow for now.

Thursday 24 January 2008

The quest to acheive nothingness

It is that time when we have to think seriously about our group project and collect our ideas. Me and Lucy (or m00se and Iceman, whichever you prefer) Have started our collective blog entitled 'People will read anything', and can be found here: and has been added to my links.

The title 'People will read anything' we thought best gave an insight into our intentions for this project. When thinking about the society in which we are creating this project, we decided to look deep at into the idea of a performative society, what the effect is of performing being so easily staged, and what constitutes a worthwhile performance.

Performances are all around us, on television, in the cinema's, in art, on the internet, and of course in theatres. We think it is interesting that in a society where we all perform on a daily basis, that we have become obsessed with essentially consuming nothing in terms of the media in which we seek. Youtube is full of nonsensicle videos gaining hits, and prime time television is stacked full of reality tv shows where we can sit for an hour and watch people simply trying to live their lives.

In this project we aim to delve into a deeper understanding of this. What do we intend to achieve I hear you ask.. (I'm part psychic on my mothers side) Well.. We intend to acheive nothing. Literal Nothing.